Personalized countdown calendars

Personalized countdown calendars
Personalize your countdown! Multitude of designs to choose from

Sunday, April 28, 2013

60-day Countdown to Baby

Though we are all about personalization and customization,  we realize that some folks just want to make it fast and easy.  We have just launched our first in a series of "standard" countdowns. A 60-day Countdown to Baby is now available at Amazon. It's reasonably priced, at just $15.99 and has 61 (due date makes 61 entry dates) funny and thoughtful sentiments as you countdown to the due date.  The standard countdowns, unlike our fully customized countdown calendars do not countdown to an actual calendar date. We do, however, leave a space available for you to fill in the due date. 

Since the inspiration for Creative Countdown was a gift Joanie and Melissa put together as we awaited the birth of our child, its fitting that Countdown to Baby Adoption is coming within the week.  I know so well how stressful the process of adoption can be, so I authored many entries to add some humor to the situation. I call them 'adoption bonuses' (I.e. Adoption Bonus: no baby weight to work off!") This calendar is also a 60-day countdown.  Many couples don't get 60 days notice when adopting, but we figured that the couple (or gift giver) can just tear off pages to the appropriate due date or induction date.   

Countdown to Wedding, and Countdown to Retirement will be launched within the month and We have an entire lineup in the works. We'd love your suggestions to add to our queue.   Let us know what big event you are looking forward to!  We'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Party On with Stripey Straws!!!

  I'd like to discuss my recent obsession with stripey straws and ALL super cute party supplies, for that matter.  I used stripey straws last Thursday at my preschool Valentine's Day party.  Those little 3-year olds slurped up their raspberry smoothies like nobody's business!  It looked ridiculously adorable with stripey straws shooting out from our heart cups.  Can't wait for the next occasion when I get to jazz up a party beverage with a new fancy straw.:) 
  I came across a website on Pinterest which I happen to be in LOVE with and I'd like to share with you.  It carries party supplies like....You guessed it: fancy straws....Millions of them in every color imaginable AND they even come with polka dots, as well as some other fabulous designs.  I found mini-vintage milk bottles for special party drinks, beautiful cake plates, retro tablecloths, unique utensils with retro prints on them and cups and plates to match.  I spent WAY too long "playing" on this website-- I'm addicted and am counting down the days to my daughter's birthday so that I can place my order. 
Check them  ENJOY!!!       MM:)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

California Dreamin'...of my own bed!

Soooo, Southern California was TONS of fun for the family.  We visited the San Diego Zoo and Wildlife Park, saw seals, sea lions and dolphins in the harbor, climbed rocks by the ocean in La Jolla and ate our faces off!!!  I must confess, however, by day 3 this little lady was counting down the days until I could go home and sleep in my own cozy that wrong?!  Am I a bad mom/wife for happily anticipating our trip back home????  I had a little secret countdown going on in my calendar for this one:)  I hope I don't seem ungrateful.  I truly did have a wonderful time with my family and know I am very lucky to have had this opportunity.  Just sayin' - slipping under my own covers last night was HEAVENLY:)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I wish I was savoring the moment

Why is it that the mornings I am able to sleep in, I just can't?
 I am lying in a hotel room in my OWN bed. My husband and son are soundly asleep in the bed beside me.    We set it up this way so I would get the chance to sleep a little later this morning (tomorrow it will be his turn). the room is pitch black and silent, perfect for sleeping.   We have a wonderful room at Disney's Beach Club Resort. It's comfortable.  I'm comfortable.
I stirred briefly at around 5am. I had a faint flash through my brain that Keenan, my 2 year old, is having lunch with Mickey, Goofy, Daisy and Donald today at the Tusker House.   He is going to be so happy and excited.  (Which clearly makes Mommy happy and excited)  This kid loves characters, and these are his favorite.  I imagined him asking Goofy to sing the 'hot dog' song for him.  That brief flash woke me completely.
So I lay here in complete darkness in this comfortable bed, willing myself to sleep another hour, and instead.... I'm savoring the suspense of my son seeing Mickey Mouse AT LUNCH!  
I wish I was savoring the moment by sleeping.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

We've Gone International

International. Yep.  We did it. Tonight. Unfortunately, Melissa's house has the plague (flu) so we can't even get together for a little toast.  
Cheers to our British friend who gave us our first international sale. You know who you are. (You also know that we hadn't set our shipping up for iternational sales, so you got a heck of a deal on the shipping! ...And please know that we believe you deserve it for being the first..... heck, If we could have had streamers and confetti streaming down onto your computer as you finalized the sale, I would have!). The count down was so fun... And it was counting down to something that would have never crossed our minds.   Now of course, I can't really share it.  You will just have to take my word for it.   
Since I can't toast with my partners, I'm going to write to you.  Please raise your glass with us!   Cheers!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Anticipation is making me WAIT!

     In developing Creative Countdown, I've come to realize that I have a need to count down to the various events in my life. I'm not talking about some obsessive compulsive need with a timer ticking off in my head. I'm just talking about a tendency to always be counting down to something fun that's coming up.
     I asked my husband if he's ever noticed that I begin imagining (scheming) our next getaway within a couple weeks of returning from a vacation. He smiled. We've been together a decade. I know that with him, that's a 'yes'.

     It's not that I don't love and enjoy my life. My little family is perfect; I hit the jackpot of great work environments; I love my home and I have neighbors whom I adore. I'm not bored. I don't have time to be. I have a full time career, a husband and two year old who gets 100% of every waking moment I'm not at work, I trained and ran three half marathons this past year (though you wouldn't know it if you saw me) and of course am a partner with Dreaming up an e-commerce company and bringing it to reality with late nights and during weekend nap-time is no small feat. My point. Who has time to be bored? Heck. When I look at it on paper, I wonder how I have time to think? 
     I don't have to do much soul searching to know why I enjoy having something to count down to. I like to have something to look forward to. To me, everything from the mundane to the stressful is bearable when I have an escape in my sites. I want to capture the anticipation. Savor it like a good wine. (Heinz made a fortune selling anticipation, right?) For me, the event (or the trip), is never as fun as the anticipation. It's like the anticipation of a Christmas gift that's been sitting under the tree. The buildup is wonderful, a gift in itself. Who cares that it ends up being a pair of socks? 
     The anticipation of our vacations is always better than the vacations themselves. I imagine relaxing, sleeping in late, and exploring new sites with my husband and son. My anticipation never includes the fact that my child will not sleep as well in a strange bed or that he'll be cranky with all the changes in his routine. The vacation I anticipate is absolutely perfect.
     Oh yeah. I feel the need to mention...... We're 9 days out from our road trip down to Jacksonville (and then Disney). It's going to be a great one. I can't wait.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

LOVING Personalized Cards using Kid Art!!

Just saw a CUTIE idea on!!  You can upload a favorite piece of your child's artwork and turn it into stationery.  I'm definitely going to do this!  There are infinite possibilities.  Might even make this a surprise "L.O.V.E. Day" gift for the grandparents:)  I'm also itching to use the idea in my 3's Bees preschool class.  The parents would just eat it UP!  If you'd like all the juicy details....check out the "Mini Monet" section on their website:
Mini Monet