Personalized countdown calendars

Personalized countdown calendars
Personalize your countdown! Multitude of designs to choose from

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The birth of an idea

After years of angst over infertility, my husband and I were about to become parents.  We were three weeks from away from a trip out to Utah to meet the birth parents... and roughly 26 hours later... our son.
Friends and neighbors, Melissa and Joanie (and their spouses) invited us to dinner at one of our favorite spots, +Crooks Corner, to celebrate.  At dinner, they presented us with a gift, Baby Countdown.  A list of things to do before your new baby arrives.  As I read through the entires aloud to the table, it quickly dawned on me that this countdown was personalized for us!

"November 28.  16 Days Left. 
Amy: Leave the house with the smallest purse you or or leave without a purse at all.  Soon it will take you at least 30 minutes to walk out the door for just a simple errand."

The calendar made for very lively dinner conversation.  We loved it.  When I asked the girls where they found such a unique and personalized gift, I was surprised to learn that upon deciding what they wanted to get us, they scoured the internet to learn that it did not exist.  They put Joanie's graphic design talent and Melissa's quick wit to use and made it themselves. 

I carried that countdown calendar around with me like my son carries his favorite blankey, 'Blue'.  I bragged about my friends' talent and creativity to just about anyone who'd look and listen. It was my favorite gift.  (And trust me, there's something about adoption that brings out the generosity in folks. We were showered with many generous and thoughtful gifts.)

In the weeks after our son was born, I spent many cold winter days at home alone with him trying to come up with a plan so that I could continue to (quit the daily grind at the office and) stay home with him.  Though a more practical solution presented itself, I kept coming back to that calendar.  It was such a unique gift, it was personalized, and well... YOU can count down to just about ANYTHING!  I approached Joanie and Melissa to see if they were interested in exploring whether we could come up with a marketable product backed with a sound business plan.  After MANY late night sessions after our combined six kiddos went to bed, and 32 days short of my son's 2nd birthday, went live.  I've had as much fun in the process of creating it as I did discovering and sharing that initial prototype "Baby Countdown."  Wow.  We've come a long way, baby!

P.S. offers a wealth of customized adoption specific suggested entries for our Countdown to Baby.  


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